Tag: Transport

Bringing People and Businesses Together

The Eurasian Customs Union

Operational activities in the Eurasian Customs Union can be well arranged independently of each other, but are they also consistent with each other? Jan Maas and Mirèse Heijting give tips based on their own experiences.Read more (article in Dutch) …..Or maybe even better: contact us and we make it work for you…..

Amsterdam Light Festival

Qombination partner EWF contributed to the Amsterdam Light Festival 2016-2017. The artwork “Wolferts’ Dog” from the Russian artist Tatiana Titova has been traansported by EWF from Moscow to Amsterdam !

The Soyuz capsule is in the Netherlands; also made possible by ICR Solutions

On September 19 2019 in Space Expo, the Minister of Economic Affairs Henk Kamp and ESA astronaut André Kuipers revealed the Soyuz TMA-03M capsule in Noordwijk. This is the space capsule that André Kuipers on July 1, 2012 brought safely back to Earth on the Kazakh steppe after a stay of six months in the…
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